How to Select the Best Ticketing Tool

If you want to improve your customers' experience, don't just focus on giving your human resource the best training. You need to use the best ticketing tool too! The use of archaic user interfaces and numerous disconnected systems could be why the number of return customers in your business is next to nil.

A good ticketing tool will increase customer satisfaction by helping you to prioritize requests according to their level of difficulty and urgency and enable you to make better resourcing decisions. Searching for a ticketing tool could be a daunting task, especially if you don't know precisely what you should be looking for. This guide will help you to find a ticketing tool that will best suit your business.

Guide to Selecting the Best Ticketing Tool

Assess Your Business Needs

Before you begin considering ticketing options from vendors, it is essential first to analyze your business's needs, strategies, and policies. A thorough analysis of what you expect from a ticketing system will give you a good foundation for your vendor selection.

Best Ticketing Tool

Consider the following questions when making your analysis;

  1. Will the ticketing tool handle both internal and external tickets or just one type of ticket?
  2. Should the system distinguish between tickets that fall under a service level agreement and those that don't?
  3. Will the system be deployed as a cloud service, be provided under a SaaS model, or reside on the internal on-premises server?
  4. Does the system need to have live chat apps, a knowledge base, asset management, and tracking features?
  5. Will the ticketing tool need to integrate seamlessly into the existing management inventory system?
  6. Should the system be able to deflect received ticketing requests to self-service solutions automatically?

Figure out your Budget

Once you figure out the kind of ticketing tool that best suits your business, you need to consider a sustainable option that will enable you to scale on resources. Don't make your choice based on how high the price is. Not everything expensive is valuable.

Pick a plan that fits the size of your task force, and that offers most of the features you need and at a low cost per person. If your company is new, you might be tempted to select an option that fits your small team. Although this option could save on a bit of resource, it is always advisable to choose a plan that accommodates future hiring as the company grows.

It would be best if you also made a choice that fits your budget. Selecting a ticketing tool that will offer adequate support to your business without exceeding the budget could leave you with ample resources to use for customizing the system in the future if the need arises.

It is also essential to make sure that the selected ticketing tool works well with existing applications. Selecting a tool that does not work well with the systems that run your business could require you to budget for the cost of integration in the future, which could cost you more.

Choose the Tool by Trial

When selecting the best ticketing tool for your business, you need to keep in mind that not all that glitters is gold. Plenty of vendors advertise ticketing solutions with robust management features that don't always meet buyer expectations. Checking the tools out through trials will ensure that the advertised capabilities match your business needs.

Must-Have Features of the Best Ticketing Tool

Self Service

Having a ticketing tool that promptly responds to your customers' queries and solves their issues around the clock enhances their experience and reduces the workload of your employees. FAQs, easy-to-use ticket submission, and live chat forums enhance customer experience and foster long-term relationships.


Selecting a ticketing tool that will allow your team to collaborate on issues that need to be solved by different departments will enhance customer service by reducing the time required to solve the problem.

Customer Access

Today, most companies have incorporated sophisticated ticketing systems to reduce the time that customers have to wait to receive responses for their requests. Keeping your customers in the dark for days or weeks on end using archaic ticketing systems infuriates them. When selecting a ticketing tool, choose one that has a swift support system.

Powerful Search

A good ticketing tool should organize and avail customer information as soon as it is needed. A powerful search engine will peruse through the system's knowledge base, including chats and wiki, to promptly get the requested information.


There are several factors that you need to consider when selecting the best ticketing tool for your business. It may not be possible to find an all-encompassing solution may not always be possible. Regarding the guide above could help your search experience less stressful.

Issue Ticketing Software