Google Universal Ticketing Systems To Improve Productivity

Relaying information within a small organisation isn't difficult. A quick call or walk to the manager's office will have problems solved, in no time. For larger companies, however, that may not be the case. Protocols may have to be observed, letters need to be written and messages passed through the relevant channels. The process is rather long and the easiest way of dealing with it is creating a system that gets problems solved without all the hassles of paperwork.

Google has come up with a system like this to solve issues within the office. The system is called Google Universal Ticketing System (GUTS) and it is a way for the employees to file issues about anything in the office and the files will then be reviewed for patterns or problems. The system will then forward it to the right team. This has proven to be a very effective way to solve problems since teams can respond to specific problems without having to sort through a series of issues that are either general or inapplicable to their department.

What is a Google Universal Ticketing System

A ticketing system is a unique service tool. Managing services and solving cases can be a tedious task if handled manually. With a ticketing system, such operations are fast, remote and automated.

An organisation can have a system or app that creates a "ticket". Tickets are a form of documentation. They are a way of recording interactions and requests that have been made over time. This makes problem-solving simpler because the right questions go to the right channels. This system also helps the service teams to prioritise the problems and therefore respond to the more complicated and serious problems first. A ticketing system generally creates a more enjoyable experience for the employees.

Google Universal Ticketing Systems

How Does A Google Universal Ticketing System Work

In essence, the system works like a help desk within the company providing the staff with a reliable way to communicate issues within the working space.

The system creates a record, called a ticket, that documents interactions on a support or service basis. The ticket is shared between the employee and the company representative. Their respective entries are logged in to form a single, continuous thread. This creates ease of communication and abolishes confusion because both parties can refer to the information in the log.

Upon the creation of the ticket, company representatives can work on the respective issues from their end. The employees can be updated on resolutions or any progress made through the ticket. When the issue has finally been solved, the employee or employee can close the ticket. However, if other issues arise such as, follow up questions or other requests, the tickets may be reopened. This makes things simpler because the employee will have access to the representative who dealt with the issue initially creating continuity.

Benefits Of A Google Universal Ticketing System

A company like Google is not only large but it is also constantly expanding. Dealing with the problems faced by such a large workforce is not an easy task. Creating a system that organizes, automates and keeps records remotely lightens the load of the organisation's service representatives and keeps the employees satisfied. This is the kind of environment Google likes to create for its employees. With a ticketing system the company can become more;


Ticketing systems can organise and catalogue a high volume of cases. This eliminates the need for manually filing and going through case files. The system helps representatives prioritize issues based on urgency and importance. Identify cases is also easy because each ticket is uniquely labelled.

Centralisation of Information.

The tickets are all stored in one software that can be searched and referenced for future cases.


Ticketing systems make accessing information simple since they can both communicate through a single, shared, channel. Communicating can be as simple as accessing a ticket in their email inbox. This kind of accessibility gives a sense of empowerment because they have direct access to the customer support that they need.

Effective Communication

The system provides users with all the information they need. The representatives will be able to know which issues are a priority, which ones are general and the overdue ones. The employees will also get their feedback in good time.

Final Thoughts

Employee productivity is improved greatly by the implementation of google universal ticketing systems. It is cost-friendly, a time saver and a very effective way to file and resolve issues. The ticket system ensures that progress is made and records are also well kept.

Free Ticketing System Software For Windows