We are leaving in a world that has entirely embraced technology. Technology must be carefully handled especially now that it is part and parcel of our businesses and day-to-day activities. Technology Is so powerful that companies rely on it in attracting and retaining its customers.
It is through technology that a company gets to brand itself and create awareness to its target audience that it exists. A company however needs to keep communicating to its publics and responding to its customer’s issues for its operations to run smoothly.
IT ticket is a mode that keeps a record of the work a company does through information technology.
3 IT Ticket Best Handling Practices That Bring in Improved Service and Support
For an IT ticket to work well, it needs to be handled well. This article will highlight three IT ticket best handling practices that companies should use when handling their tickets.
Avoid unnecessary creation of tickets for issues that have approved resolutions

There are those instances when a customer poses a complaint, order, or inquiry to a company and it gets resolved only for the company not to record it as resolved. Companies must ensure that resolved customer issues are marked or recorded as resolved to avoid the creation of other tickets.
The majority of companies use automated ticket issuance to customers once they contact a customer staff of a company. If for instance, a customer had made a phone call, they receive a short message service (SMS) stating that they have an issue that is been processed by the company. This SMS contains a ticket number and immediately, the issue is solved the customer receives a notification on the same.
IT ticket helps in avoiding unnecessary creation of tickets for issues that have approved resolutions. They are hence the best way a company should use in ensuring that costs and time incurred in creating unnecessary tickets are avoided.
Determine which tickets get handled fir
IT tickets also help companies arrange their tickets in order as they come into their ticketing system. Such a system ensures that customers do not feel like companies they buy from goods or receive services from are not giving them attention.
In cases where there are urgent issues that need urgent attention, IT tickets help companies help detect that. This means that cases that cannot wait for a long period or are required to be worked on as soon as possible are handled. Such instances are for example when a hospital needs a drug urgently to save a life, a company ensures that the drug is sent to the hospital as soon as possible.
Other possible instances are when companies deliver faulty goods or their services happen to be shoddy and a complaint comes through. It is in such cases that a company needs to act as soon as possible to avoid tarnishing its name as well. Companies are brands, hence their reputation should be well guarded.
Companies should also keep in mind that their customers are aware many other companies can deliver the same services or offer the same kind of products. However, there has to be something that stood out for them to stand out. It is that one thing that they should ensure the customer does not give up on and run into another company for their services or delivery of their products. It is for such reasons that IT tickets help companies in determining which tickets come first.
Always set and monitor ticket status
Another way IT tickets assist is in setting and monitoring a company’s ticket status. When customers send in their issues to a customer, they are reflected in different ways in a company’s ticketing system. This variety of ways are tickets being termed as new, pending, or being handled and those that have already being worked on and hence solved.
When tickets have these statuses labeled on them, it gives the customer support staff an easy time in doing their work. This is because they can distinguish between the cases that have just been sent in, those that are awaiting a specific response hence pending, and those that are already closed.
Such statuses also give a sense of relief to the customers who sent in their issues, as they can be able to see through the automated tick systems the status of their tickets. In cases where they cannot trace the status of their tickets when they contact the customer support staff, the person speaking to them will easily tell them their ticket status.
IT tickets help in improving service and support for a company. They enable companies to handle their customer’s issues in good time and allow customers to serve themselves instead of waiting for a customer support staff to assist them.